1·The weak force Explosive force the power of a psychological definition instantly broke out.
2·But worldwide scientists only unified weak force and electromagnetic force since 100 years passed.
3·Three or four of us, in 1957, put forward a partially complete theory of one of these forces, this weak force.
4·Modern physics thinks that there are 4 kinds of force in the universe: electromagnetic force, gravitation, strong force and weak force.
5·Slide - "in 1957 some of us put forward a partially complete theory of the weak force, in disagreement with the results of seven experiments."
6·In the natural world, people have discovered four kinds of forces: the electromagnetic force, the gravitation, the weak force, and the strong force.
7·The basic unified theory comprises of quantum gravity, quantum weak force, quantum electromagnetic force, quantum strong force and the super-unified theory.
8·The theory’s vindication would come only with a glimpse of W and Z bosons—particles which, it posited, carried the weak force, just as photons carried the electromagnetic one.
因为,这个理论的最终证实, 惟赖人们一瞥玻色子W和Z的真容——该理论推断这两种粒子携带弱相互作用力,就像光子携带有电磁力一样。
9·If a weak country cannot coerce a more powerful country through force of arms, then it cannot coerce the other country with law either.
10·Only gravity and a phenomenon called the weak nuclear force, which governs some types of radioactive decay, can bind them—hence the term “weakly interacting”.